
The Basics Of Tactical Firearms: What You Need to Know

Tactical Firearms

In today’s rapidly changing world, understanding the basics of tactical firearms is crucial for those interested in self-defense, law enforcement, or military applications. Tactical firearms are not just regular guns; they are designed for precision, efficiency, and effectiveness in high-pressure situations. Whether a beginner or an experienced shooter, grasping the fundamentals can enhance your skills, boost your confidence, and ensure safety. Today’s blog will guide you through the types of tactical firearms, essential training techniques, and vital safety practices, providing a comprehensive overview of what you need to know to get started on the right foot.

Types Of Firearms

Tactical firearms come in various forms, each designed for specific purposes and scenarios. Understanding firearm types helps choose the right one for home defense, professional use, or recreational shooting. Here, we’ll explore some of the most common types of tactical firearms, focusing on their unique features and applications.


Handguns are versatile, compact firearms that are easy to carry and conceal. They are ideal for close-quarter situations and are commonly used for self-defense and law enforcement.

Handguns come in two main types:

  1. Revolvers
  2. Semi-automatic

Revolvers are popular for their reliability and simplicity, featuring a rotating cylinder that holds the ammunition. On the other hand, semi-automatic pistols use a magazine to feed ammunition and offer faster reloading times and higher ammunition capacity. For those who carry extra magazines, products like the CT Triple Kangaroo 5.56 Mag Insert can be essential for quick and efficient reloads.

Tactical Firearms


Rifles are long-barreled firearms designed for precision and range. They are commonly used in hunting, target shooting, and military operations. Tactical rifles, such as the AR-15, offer customizable features and are highly accurate, making them popular among enthusiasts and professionals. These firearms use various types of ammunition, including full metal jackets and hollow-point bullets, each serving different purposes. Add accessories like the Rifle Insert Anti-Spall Sleeve to enhance the protection level.


Shotguns are powerful firearms designed to fire a spread of pellets, making them effective for close-range targets. They are often used in home defense, law enforcement, and certain hunting applications. Tactical shotguns typically feature shorter barrels and higher-capacity magazines, enhancing maneuverability and firepower. Shotguns’ versatility allows them to be used with different ammunition variants, such as buckshot, birdshot, and slugs. A shotgun shell pouch can be highly useful for carrying extra ammunition.

Submachine Guns

Submachine guns are compact, fully automatic firearms designed for rapid fire. They are commonly used by military and law enforcement for close-quarter combat. These firearms are chambered for pistol cartridges, offering high rates of fire and easy handling. The iconic Uzi and MP5 are examples of submachine guns known for their reliability and effectiveness in tactical situations.

Assault Rifles


Assault rifles are guns that can shoot one bullet at a time or keep shooting as long as the trigger is pulled. They are standard issues in many military forces around the world. Assault rifles like the AK-47 and M16 are known for their durability, accuracy, and adaptability in various combat scenarios. They use intermediate cartridges, balancing power, and control for effective performance at both close and medium ranges. Consider equipping yourself with a MEAC Active Shooter Response Kit or a QRC Active Shooter Armor Kit for active shooter response scenarios.

Sniper Rifles

Sniper rifles are designed for long-range precision shooting. These rifles feature high-powered optics, heavy barrels, and specialized ammunition to ensure accuracy over extended distances. Used primarily by military snipers and law enforcement sharpshooters, sniper rifles require advanced training and expertise. Popular models include the M24 and the Barrett M82, known for their exceptional range and stopping power.

Machine Guns

Machine guns are automatic firearms capable of delivering sustained and continuous fire. Military forces typically use them to provide suppressive fire and support infantry operations. Machine guns like the M249 and M60 offer high rates of fire and significant firepower, making them crucial in various combat scenarios. Due to their complexity and the tactical considerations involved in their use, these firearms require specialized training.

Tactical Firearm Training

Tactical Firearm Training

Proper training is essential for anyone using tactical firearms, ensuring both effectiveness and safety. Tactical firearm training encompasses a variety of skills, from basic handling to advanced combat techniques. This part of the article will explore the key aspects of training, providing insights into what you need to know to become proficient with your firearm.

Basic Firearm Handling

Basic firearm handling is the foundation of all tactical training. It includes learning how to load, unload, and handle your firearm safely. It’s important always to point the gun in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot, and know how your gun works. Familiarizing yourself with your weapon’s operation, including its safety features and maintenance requirements, is crucial for effective use.

Shooting Stances And Grip

Shooting Stances

Proper shooting stances and grips are vital for accuracy and control. Different stances, like the Weaver and Isosceles, provide stability and balance, enhancing your shooting performance. A correct grip ensures better recoil management and quicker target reacquisition. Training should focus on finding the best stance and grip for you, allowing for comfortable and consistent shooting.

Target Acquisition And Accuracy

Target acquisition and accuracy are critical components of tactical firearm training. This involves learning to identify and engage targets while maintaining precision quickly. Techniques such as sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger control are essential for hitting your target consistently. Regular practice of tactical tools, including dry firing and live range sessions, helps improve accuracy and speed in target acquisition.

Movement And Cover

Tactical situations often require movement and the use of cover. Training in this area focuses on moving safely while maintaining awareness and control of your firearm. Techniques include transitioning between positions, using cover effectively, and engaging targets while on the move. Understanding how to navigate various environments and utilize cover can significantly enhance your tactical capabilities.

Stress Management

Stress management is crucial to tactical training, as real-world situations can induce stress. Training often includes scenario-based exercises that simulate high-pressure environments. Remaining calm and focused under stress helps you make better decisions and perform better. Techniques like controlled breathing and mental visualization can help manage stress and improve effectiveness.

Close-Quarter Combat

Close-quarter combat (CQC) training prepares you for engagements in confined spaces. This includes techniques for room clearing, engaging multiple targets, and using your environment to your advantage. CQC training emphasizes speed, precision, and teamwork, often incorporating elements of hand-to-hand combat and defensive tactics. Mastery of CQC skills is essential for anyone involved in tactical operations. Utilizing chest rigs can enhance your effectiveness in CQC scenarios.

Advanced Shooting Techniques

Advanced shooting techniques take your skills to the next level, focusing on rapid target engagement, shooting on the move, and engaging multiple targets. This includes drills such as double taps, Mozambique drills, and failure-to-stop drills. Advanced training hones your reflexes and improves your ability to respond quickly and accurately to dynamic situations. Continuous practice and refinement of these techniques are key to maintaining proficiency. Additionally, consider equipping yourself with Level IV Rifle Armor Plates for added protection during training and real-life scenarios.

Shooters Cut

Firearm Safety

Safety is the most crucial aspect of handling any firearm. Adhering to safety protocols ensures your well-being and the safety of those around you. This section will outline the fundamental safety principles and practices every firearm user should follow.

The Four Rules Of Firearm Safety

The Four Rules of Firearm Safety are universal guidelines that every shooter must follow:

  1. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.
  2. Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot.
  3. Make sure to keep your finger away from the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

These rules form the cornerstone of safe firearm handling, preventing accidents, and ensuring responsible use.

Safe Storage

Proper firearm storage is essential to prevent unauthorized access and accidents. Firearms should be stored unloaded, in a locked container or safe, and separate from ammunition. Using trigger locks or cable locks adds an extra layer of security. Educating family members, especially children, about firearm safety and the importance of not handling tactical gear without supervision is crucial.

Range Safety

Safety at the shooting range involves following specific protocols to ensure a secure environment for all shooters. Always follow the range officer’s commands, keep firearms pointed downrange, and use ear and eye protection. Be aware of the range rules, including designated shooting areas, and ensure your firearm suits your range. Respect for others and adherence to safety guidelines provide a safe and enjoyable shooting experience. For additional reading on safety protocols, check out the NIJ Compliant List.

Cleaning And Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your firearm ensure its proper function and longevity. Always ensure the gun is fully unloaded before cleaning. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication. Regular inspection for wear and damage is crucial, as well as replacing any worn parts promptly.

Handling Malfunctions

Understanding how to handle firearm malfunctions is essential for safety. Common malfunctions include misfires, jams, and stovepipes. Training should include procedures for safely clearing these issues, such as tap-rack-bang drills for semi-automatic pistols. Knowing how to address malfunctions quickly and safely prevents accidents and ensures continued operation in critical situations.

Legal Considerations

Familiarity with local, state, and federal laws regarding firearm ownership, carry, and use is vital. Laws vary significantly between jurisdictions, covering concealed carry permits, transport regulations, and self-defense laws. Ensuring compliance with these laws protects you from legal issues and promotes responsible firearm ownership.


Understanding the basics of tactical firearms is essential for anyone interested in their use, whether for personal defense, professional application, or recreational purposes. By learning about the different types of weapons, undergoing comprehensive training, and adhering to strict safety protocols, you can enhance your skills and ensure responsible use. Remember, mastery of tactical firearms is a journey that requires continuous learning, practice, and a commitment to safety. Stay informed, stay practiced, and most importantly, stay safe.